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Atayeva J., Berdiyev M., Atayeva M.




this article provides a brief overview of the basic concepts and classification of ceramic materials and products. It also discusses construction ceramics and the constructive use of ceramic materials.   

Ключевые слова:
construction, architecture, composite materials, ceramic materials, clay, plaster, tile   

Clay and other organic and mineral additives serve as raw materials for the production of ceramic materials. The production of ceramic products is divided into three main technological parts - shaping, drying and firing (firing).Ceramic building materials are divided into two groups - cellular and dense. Cellular ceramic building products are characterized by water absorption of 5% and more. Cellular construction products typically include cellular and hollow-block bricks, hollow-core masonry, roof frames, decorative tiles, and pipes. The water absorption of dense ceramic construction products is up to 5%. For dense construction products, floor tiles, road and acid bricks are suitable.Building ceramics. The production of ceramic products (mainly in the form of dishes) dates back to ancient times, that is, several thousand years before our century.The production of ceramic tiles (roofing tiles), cladding tiles and brick-type construction ceramics began in more recent times.Building ceramics - baked brick began to be widely used in Turkmenistan in the 7th and 9th centuries, which contributed to the architectural form of the house and the use of constructions in complex situations. Examples of this are: Sultan Sanjar Dome, Talhatan-Baba Mosque, various buildings and structures built in Konya and Merv.Cast iron is a ceramic material that has been widely used in the construction of hydraulic structures, bridges and houses since the beginning of the century using brick hydraulic mud. Ceramic products and materials are produced by molding and baking a mass of clay and mineral mixtures.In modern construction, ceramic materials are widely used in the form of bricks, ceramic tiles, sewage and drainage pipes, plumbing equipment. Construction ceramic products are divided into the following categories:a) According to the structural relevance - wall material (brick, ceramic stone, wall block and brick-type panel) - covering the facade of the house (brick, tile, carpet-type ceramic)- tiles to cover the walls of the interior of the house and tile materials to cover the floors, - material for covering the roof of the house - ceramic die and corrugated tile, - sewage and drainage pipes, -plumbing equipment (sink, toilet, and faucet) -acid resistant-bricks, tiles and pipes -road materials-brick and stone type -thermal insulation-cellular brick and stone -admixtures-for lightweight concrete (keramsite, agglomorite type)- refractory-brick and conductive products.b) Depending on the surface of ceramic materials. - cellular material, i.e. moisture absorbing, with a cellularity greater than 5%.This group includes: building bricks, cellular stone, tiles and others,-Dense ceramic materials, that is, with a cell volume of less than 5%. A material that is impermeable to liquids and gases.This group includes floor tiles, acid resistant bricks and others.Ceramic products can be glazed or unglazed. (Plumbing equipment, wall cladding).Constructive use of ceramic materials. According to their constructive use, ceramic materials and products are divided into the following groups: wall (brick, ceramic stone, wall blocks and brick panels), for interlinings (loose-volume stones, pores, interlining panels and ceramic stone interlinings), to decorate the front of the house (facade) (faced ceramic bricks and stones, facade tiles, patterned ceramics, etc.), for interior decoration works (glazed, glazed and attached design details, floor tiles), for roofing (stamped and tape-type, wide and corrugated tape-type mud frames), sewage and drainage pipes, sanitary ware (sinks, toilets, washing boxes, etc.), acid resistant (brick, tile, pipe), for road (brick, stone), thermal insulation (cellular-cavity bricks and stones, perlite ceramics, etc.), fillers for lightweight concrete (keramsite, agloporite), fire resistant (brick, brickwork).   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Atayeva J., Berdiyev M., Atayeva M. BASIC CONCEPTS OF CERAMIC MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3. С. 458 - 460. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13408 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13408

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